Complaints Procedure

Rochdale and District Mind recognises that there will be occasions when a member of staff, volunteer, service user or other interested party may wish to make a complaint about an individual or service within the organisation.

Staff can also explain verbally, where appropriate, how to make a complaint.  Anyone wishing to make a complaint should be given information about how to do so.

We will always aim to resolve complaints informally and at the lowest level possible.  Initially this could be with a worker from the service in question or with the manager. If this first option is unsuccessful you can move to stage 1 of the formal Complaints procedure.

View our Comments, Complaints and Compliments Leaflet for more about how to make a complaint.

You can also give feedback to Healthwatch Rochdale at 2 The Esplanade, Rochdale OL16 1AE or call 01706 249 575