A successful Time to Talk day!

Time to Talk Day 2024 revealed that nearly two thirds of the UK public put on a brave face to avoid talking about their mental health. And nearly half of us are less likely to open up as we don’t want to worry others in already difficult times.

But talking openly and honestly can be the first step towards better mental health for everyone. It can reduce stigma and help people feel comfortable enough to seek help when we need it.

Time to Talk Day was held on Thursday 6th February this year, and, as always, talking and listening were at the heart of the day.

At Rochdale and District Mind we held an event inviting local people to come and have a chat and a cuppa, enjoy some activities, and find out more about health services in the Rochdale Borough.

Information stalls from local organisations included-

Living Well


Early Break

Andy’s Man Club

Black Health Agency

Alzheimers Society

NHS HMR Talking Therapies


Home Instead

Your Trust

HMR Circle Volunteer Drivers Service

Carers Hub


Action Together

We also had some creative activities including pom pom making and pebble painting which were organised by Stand Up Sisters. Visitors enjoyed learning a new craft, while taking the opportunity to share stories in a relaxed and supportive environment.


Hair and Beauty students from Hopwood Hall provided soothing hand massages, which also proved to be another lovely opportunity for chatting and getting to know each other.


Our volunteers helped out with the reception area, refreshments table and booking into the hand massages, as well as helping us set up and making the day run smoothly.

Over 120 people attended including the Mayor of Rochdale.

A big thank you to all visitors, organisations, volunteers and staff for making this event such a success. We hope you all found it useful and felt a sense of community and support. Above all, we hope that this event has highlighted the importance of talking. Whether it’s checking in on a colleague over a cuppa, or giving a friend who you haven’t spoken to in a while a call, it all helps us to feel more connected.


Being honest and open about how you are feeling and being a good listener makes all the difference. Let’s all get comfortable and start talking about mental health.


More about our services-

Groups & Services at Rochdale and District Mind

Call us on 01706 752 338

Or email us at info@rochdalemind.org.uk









Posted on: 7th February 2025

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